Monday, July 9, 2012

Nothing New

Still no AF.  CD OMG! 74!  When the hell is AF going to show up?  If its not here by the 20th I have to call my RE and schedule an appointment to find out what is going on inside of me.

I was so hoping to be on the letrozole by now.  Well nothing to do but wait.

In the meantime J has his surgical consult today.  Hopefully he'll soon be on the roster for his hernia operation.  Because its not emergency surgery like my issue was its been put off several times by the doctors though they keep stating that it needs to get done soon.  His doctor is about to go TDY again.  Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll do it tomorrow?

I purchased, through groupon, a getaway this morning.  Just one night but it is to a place that last time we went was socked in with fog.  Not sure when we are going to use it but hopefully soon.

Oh just a note, I'm going gluten free again.  Found the Endometriosis diet online and I'm getting the cookbook as a gift soon.  My mom agreed to buy it for me for my birthday which is later this month.  Over the weekend I purchased: flaxseed meal, almond meal, tapioca flour, amaranth flour, brown rice flour, white rice flour, arrowroot flour and whole millet to go with the AP gluten free flour and quinoa I had on hand already.  I also picked up three mixes: cinnamon raisin bread, vanilla cake mix, and shortbread cookie mix.  All were gluten free, soy free, dairy free, and hopefully not flavor-free.  Since my commissary doesn't make gluten free birthday cakes I'm going to save the vanilla cake mix for my birthday.

Believe it or not after following the endometriosis diet for just one day I managed to lose 1.6 pounds.  But okay I cheated yesterday and had the rare can of soda pop and gained back .2 pounds.  Happens every time I crack one open.  I guess eating gluten free, soy free, low-salt, caffeine free, alcohol free, actually going to help.  I can hope right? 

Has anyone else out there tried the endometriosis diet?  Has it help you at all?


  1. Whoa...Sorry that you are on CD 74. Best of luck to you with the gluten free diet! I had a coworker who had to go gluten free and it's definitely a challenge.

    1. I guess its a good thing that I like to cook. I did find one good source of gluten free on the go food bar...LaraBar. Yummy too since I love dates!

  2. Good luck with going gluten-free! Every time I try, I fail miserably. No willpower! Ha!

  3. The gluten-free thing is new! And will likely be life-changing, if not for the simple fact that we will be cooking/baking a lot. But, considering all the pain bread has given you, I hope that it yields good results and you feel better overall.

    Also, CD 74?!?!? WTF!! I hope AF shows up very soon!

    1. I love to bake and to cook as long as I have the energy. So far it is helping with the pain.

  4. Ugh long cycles suck! I hope the new diet works well. I have read a lot of people are going on it. The gluten free mixes aren't bad. If you try a couple different mixes you can find the one you like best. I know one of the major brands makes gluten free mixes now. I think it was betty crocker. Oh and if you haven't tried it yet the gluten free bisquick is awesome. So great when you feel like something quick. If you are gonna make stuff from scratch as far as baking, the AP flour works great for substituting 1 for 1 and always put more xantham gum in than they say.

    1. I'll have to look for those mixes. I went to a QFC and a health food store here in WA and found the flours I mentioned above. The cinnamon raisin bread isn't half bad. Giving up chocolate might kill me though.

  5. Sorry about CD 74, I've been there. Hope something happens soon!

    And good luck with the diet! I've found that soda, even a rare one, is EVIL. I like to indulge every now and then, very rarely, but when I do I pay for it on the scale. Hope that this works for you.

    1. Yeah it bugs my digestive system even if it was just ginger ale.

  6. I'm Gluten Free too.... I have lots of yummy recipes, I can send you some (if you like!?) I have been on the endo diet for 3 years this fall, I also started eating less Dairy. Which is something they tell you to do too. I feel really good on the plan, and when I cheat I feel like crapola! Good Luck, hope you feel better....

    1. Please do send me recipes. My email is on my blog profile. I've been going without most dairy for a while with the occasional cheese and butter usage.

  7. OMG, CD74. I'm sorry. :(

    Yeah, I tried the endo diet a while back. I only abided by it for one month, so I probably didn't give it enough time. It *maybe* decreased my cramps a tiny bit. It also made me very, very hungry all the time because I couldn't get full. I eliminated processed sugar, gluten, and dairy.

    1. I haven't had an issue with not being full enough as of yet. If it wasn't for the weight loss over the past three days I'd say I was eating too much.


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