Thursday, April 19, 2012


I'm not one to be in contact with my parents all that often and many of you know why if you've read those particular blog posts.  Yesterday I emailed my mom to tell her that I still haven't heard on the biopsy results and that it could be another week.  They did tell me it would take 2-3 weeks to get the results. So my mom is already assuming that its nothing to worry about. Every time something arises that isn't good in my life or is good in my life she  tells me how much worse or better it is for her.  I just hate when someone can't be happy or sad for me that is supposed to be in my support system.  I need to let it go.  I just need to write my parents off like my therapist has told me.  I can't.  Call it Catholic guilt.  Honor thy father and mother bs.

So I'm still here just over two weeks now waiting for the results.  The paper work states that if by three weeks I don't receive the results I'm to call the clinic.  I've had things disappear in the mail before so if it doesn't arrive next week I won't be all that surprised.

No new symptoms pointing towards pregnancy.  Still all the same as last reported.  I know its too early for me to call this one a wash.

Something happened last night.  A close friend called me crying.  Now I have to ask all of you out there to first think before you open your mouths and utter the first hurtful thing that comes out.  I know that I do it too at times.  Last night my friend got judged harshly for how she was handling a situation with one of her kids.  Her youngest was bawling his eyes out at a nationwide chain store because she wouldn't buy him the expensive toy he wanted.  We all know that toys are expensive.  We all know that we can't start a routine of buying  a toy every time we are out with the kid either because its not affordable and two the child will think even with bad behavior it should be rewarded.

Well someone got all up into my friend's face about her parenting.  The obnoxious, judgmental female shopper told my friend she should remove herself and her children from the store.  She even went as far as to follow my friend to her vehicle and take a photo of her license plate.  This of course freaked the heck out of my friend.

I know my friend's kids.  They are for the most part really well behaved but when tired, hungry, bored, or wanting something they aren't going to get they get annoying.  We all did that as kids to our parents, even the best of us, the angels still got on our parents nerves.

Why the heck couldn't that woman stop and just think before she got into my friend's business?  Do we now have nothing better to do than to sit in food courts at mega stores annoy those with children and tell them that they should be parenting?  I don't know if this woman had children but if she did I wonder how bad of a mother she is herself.  I wonder if she would like someone else putting their nose in her business when she is trying to correct her child?

This woman judged my friend without knowing her.  My friend's spouse is deployed.  My friend is both mom and dad to the kids right now.  Its not easy being a single parent from what I've seen.


  1. Wow talk about a royal bitch. Sorry for the language but that woman was completely out of line! Follow your friend to her car and taking pics of the license, seriously? Maybe your friend should have called the police on the crazy stalker woman. I believe the ONLY time to step into someones business with their kids in public is if you feel a child is in danger. If they are being beat or abused. I am really sorry she had to go through that. All some people have is judgement to give it out, sadly.

    1. I'd definitely say she was a crazy lady. My friend always had her child within eye site. He was pouting and fake crying just to be annoying.

    2. What a crazy lady! I would have been freaked out too, especially if they followed me in the parking lot and took pictures of my license plate.

  2. WOW. That was totally shitty. I can't tell you how many times my husband and I have been out and had one of our children start screaming. It's not like you can stop grocery shopping when you need to eat! We have a son with autism spectrum disorder, and he has been known to get upset because the ceiling fans aren't working, or because we have gone to the 'wrong' check out line. We are usually able to talk him down, but obviously, if you have been shopping for an hour and are checking out, you can't drop everything to remove him from the situation. Especially if you are alone, which I frequently am, because my husband works for a military contractor and works out of state for months at a time on a regular basis. If someone had taken a picture of my license plate I probably would have cold cocked her! The nerve!

    1. Thank you for your comments one and all. I filled my friend in what everyone had to say and it made her happy to know that she was being supported by all of you.

  3. That's horrible! The only time someone should say anything like that is if they are in a library, movie, or a play. Somewhere where it is supposed to be quiet. But to follow her and take pictures?! WTF? Crazy town!

    1. I consider where my friend was shopping to be the major source of the wackos.

  4. That woman in batshit crazy. Taking pictures of her license plate?! WTF? The only time I might ask someone to remove a screaming child is if we were in a movie or something. Jeez!

    1. Movies I can totally understand removing the offending person. A mega-store however, is the free space for all sorts of odd characters to display their craziness apparently.

  5. I hate people like that! I would have told her off and told her to mind her own business. I can't believe she followed her to the car! I would have called the police.Give your friend a hug for me. That way you both get one! Hugz to you!

    1. Since my friend is a foreigner I think that perhaps she is a bit afraid to tell anyone off.

  6. I haven't read all these comments, but I am PISSED at that lady. What a royal BIOTCH! Your friend had every right to call the police and tell them she is being harrassed by a strange woman. She could have also told them that she is following her and does not feel safe. I can not believe that someone would do that. Why do people feel like they can just walk into a situation and judge with out even batting an eye! I swear I want to punch this lady in the FACE!

    1. I think my friend should have called the police but she didn't. She doesn't want to cause issues here since this isn't her native land.


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