Saturday, December 3, 2011

Give and Take

Somehow over night I lost a follower.

My numbers dropped by one.

Wasn't me, I'm still following myself.

But that's okay because the world doesn't revolve around me or the number of followers I have.  It seems to these days revolve around my infertility.

When I initially made this blog it was going to be all about my life as an Army wife.  Well infertility is part of that journey.  Not the part that I want to write about every day but still its part of who I am and how my spouse and I are dealing  with our obstacles.

Yesterday my spouse came home early for his family time.  Yes, the Army tries to give its soldiers family time each week.  Sometimes the job does get in the way but at least they do realize how important the family is to the soldier.  However, he got a phone call a few hours later and he had to return to work.  It was going to be a long night.  I really can't discuss what this minor mission involved but I'll just say it was mission essential that he be there.  Today, he normally gets the weekend off, he had to return to work again to finish up.  They actually gave them 6 hours of sleep last night and the chance to go home for it too!  YAY!

So my life not only revolves around my infertility it revolves around my spouse's job.  Its a very important job.  A job that only 1% of Americans are willing to take on.  He knows he could give a limb or two or even his life.  But he loves what he does, he loves me and I love him.  We survive what must be done and try to scratch out some time for one another to make our bonds stronger.  Its not easy with the amount he's been gone but we are trying.

As for the blanket photo above and the reason why its in this post; I'm proud to say its found a home.  I started weaving the squares for that Queen sized blanket when my spouse was on his deployment to Iraq.  I finished it this summer while he was on another deployment.  I had a contact that found a home for the blanket through Fischer House and a wounded warrior is now in possession of the blanket.  I'm so glad its gone to someone that really deserves to know some warmth, kindness and love.  Too often we forget those that gave all to protect our freedoms.

I'm about half-way done a twin sized blanket.  For now its been put away because of the holidays.  I'll get back to it again in January when I have more time.  Again I'll donate this blanket to a charity so that some family member of a solider or a wounded warrior will know some warmth in cold times.


  1. What a beautiful blanket and you are so wonderful to donate it to such a good cause. Can't wait to see the next one. So glad you got to spend some time with your soldier.

    Thank you so much for the tweet! I don't follow twitter, but I will count that as 2 more entries.

  2. People do not realize how much soldiers and their families have to sacrifice. It's great that they give you family time, since time is so precious.

    Also that blanket is beautiful. I wish I had the patience to quilt, but I do not! Haha

  3. What a great project!

    BTW - I have been having issues with Google Friend Connect and blogs I am following since I made some tweaks on the permissions on my blog. I just re-followed you, so maybe it was me who made your counter go down :( I'm sorry!

  4. I don't know why you lost a follower. I don't think anything in your previous posts was offensive or anything...

    I have such respect for you as an army wife, and for your husband. I think it's amazing that you shoulder the difficulties of that lifestyle, and still have the interest and energy to give. That is a beautiful blanket for a wonderful cause.

    If you ever want to meet up for some coffee, tea, (hot cocoa?) here in Tacoma I would love that!!!

  5. Your blanket is beautiful. You have my best wishes and gratitude for your generosity to such a wonderful cause.

    You also have a new follower. :)


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