Grandma, Uncle and Girlfriend are all here visiting for the next week. Grandma has been here since mid January. Today Little E had had enough when the three of them wanted to go some place and she wasn't invited.
Yesterday Uncle and his girlfriend arrived on island. Now that they are here Little E is now second fiddle and she detests it. She was the spoiled one for a few weeks with Grandma. She had all of Grandma's attention. Of course the way in which Grandma told her know was not so nice either. Heck even I would have had hurt feelings. Come on now we all know there was room in the rental car for the car seat even Little E knows that.
They went to the BEACH. You can't do that to a little kid. NO not the BEACH. That is the one place a 3.5 year old loves the most on an island.
So when it started to rain, and it came down hard I told Little E that it served them right to not take you.
See what happens when you piss off a little kid in Oahu! Hopefully they don't piss of Pele next. I'd rather not have a volcano erupt!
Obviously there is a better way to tell a little kid no.