Saturday, August 10, 2013

Just How Small Is Your Penis?

Seriously my neighbor must have the world's smallest penis with the way he acts.
If my neighbor isn't racing up and down the street with a "hey look at me" attitude while revving his engine, of which I hope soon blows up, then he is blaring his awful musical choices while washing his car.  His car of which he treats better than his pregnant wife and less than a year old son.

What is this man trying to prove?

I already know he is a dick.

He already got three days in the barracks cooling off time for domestic abuse earlier this year.

Someone needs to remind this person that he doesn't need the attention he is trying to attract.  As a matter of fact, it is my opinion of which it should be my opinion since it is my blog, that this man should be giving attention to his very pregnant wife and young son.


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