Sunday, January 19, 2014

Comparing Photos Looking for a Baby Bump

I can't see a difference in the top photo taken today at 13 weeks pregnant from the bottom photo taken non-pregnant on 4 January 2012.  Okay sure different clothes with the ones I'm wearing today being non-clingy but yeah other than bigger breasts there is no change.  Oh and probably should have put my shoulders back in today's picture.


  1. It may just take some more time :) I didn't really show much until much later with V. You look great though!

    1. With my genetics I'll probably end up like my mom and not show until the last month!

  2. I didn't show until about 23 weeks so you might have a way to go yet. I remember I couldn't wait to look pregnant... then I couldn't wait til I could comfortably bend over to tie my shoes again!

    1. Hahah! Yeah I already have that issue if you count indigestion as a comfort factor.

  3. I think I was around the halfway point before I started showing.

    You look great, though. :)


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