Monday, April 22, 2013

Hormone Bloating

Every day I step on the scale.  I'm not obsessed but I do have gastric issues with many foods.  Daily my diet has to vary according to my issues. 

This morning, before my shower I got on the scale.  I thought I was going to scream.  Yesterday I ate more protein and of course some of the protein was processed so it had more sodium.  You can guess I'm sure....I gained back 1.2 pounds in bloat.

Today I'm pushing the water big time.  Yesterday's fail was due in part to my spouse.  After he came home from church, I didn't feel up to dealing with a huge amount of happy people in my mood, we had decided to go grocery shopping.  J misplaced his ID card...AGAIN!  I swear I'm going to punch a hole in it and attach a mitten string so tight around his neck he'll have to choke himself to lose the damn thing.  Depending on his uniform changes, at least two daily with PT clothes and ACUs, his ID is in various places.  The PT uniform has no room for a full sized wallet, and depending on the time of year sometimes barely enough room to put a single car key into the hidden pocket along with the ID card.

Two hours later he finds his ID card after I begged him to look in his study material.  He was adamant that it wouldn't be there.  But if he had just looked there first he would have found it.  The man is lucky I didn't try to kill him for his stubbornness and stupidity.

Sure I could have gone grocery shopping without him, but then he wouldn't have gotten food he wanted or needed since he never writes down what he is low on.  Like I said above my food problems vary daily.

Today I'm going to try to see if I can digest baby greens.  Sometimes raw veggies rip up my stomach.  I have IBS and GERD.  If I stuck with the IBS and GERD only foods I'd be living off of white starchy foods because they are soluble fibers.  That type of diet can cause other health issues I'd rather avoid.

So I'll end this writing for today and grab another glass of water on my way to transfer the laundry over to the dryer.  Hope everyone has a good day.  I know I'll be trying to have a good day and get the water weight gain back off.


  1. Water weight is such a pain! I hope you have a good day.

  2. Water is the way to go. It really is a cure all for most things. Especially IBS, which I have as well. I find that if I take a fiber supplement on most days it helps. Good luck!

    1. I've been eating digestive biscuits which really help and are quite tasty.

  3. Bloating is killer! Hope the water helps!

    1. So far not an ounce came off. Ugh! I detest estrogen.

  4. Ugh...bloat. Water weight gain is the worst!! I hope it resolves for you soon!

    Here from ICLW


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