Thursday, May 2, 2013

Last Ultrasound Before FET

Had my labs drawn at 0700 hrs.  E2 was 486.  Still waiting on the P4 results.

Ultrasound showed ovaries are suppressed nicely.  Lt.Col. B. said he's never seen them this quiet.

Uterine lining is measuring 1.2-1.4 CM.   YAY!

I'm good to go for the FET next week.  Just waiting on my nurse at PNW to get the results from today to advise when to start the PIO shots and reduction/finishing off of the other two meds.

Nurse M at Madigan said No to me wanting to do my own PIO shots.  I said well with J going to be gone for two weeks and your clinic not being open 7 days a week I"ll have to give them to myself on the weekends.  She was adamant about me not giving myself the injection.  Well too bad I'm going to do them.  I have to learn sometime.

Nurse M also advised me not to do the hpt at 5 days after the transfer because the trigger shot will still be in me.  I reminded her that I'm not doing the trigger shot.  She stated that they still wouldn't do the beta until 14 days after.  I said I've got that taken care of since I still have an order in the system from 19 Mar that doesn't expire until 19 May I'm covered!

Can you tell I'm pushing the limits today?


  1. The nurse sound dumb. I hate when they argue with you like that, you already reminded her you weren't doing the trigger. Geesh. Sorry, annoyed on your behalf!

    And why can't you do your own PIO? I had A do mine, but I can't contort myself to do them right. Most women do their own though, from what I've read.

    I say push the limits! If there's anything an IF veteran knows, it's that if you don't advocate for yourself, no one else will.

    I am so excited for you and hoping so much that this is it!

    1. Nurse M is usually pretty good. J had the doctor distracted after by chatting with him. Lt.Col.B. is J's favorite doctor.

      I see no reason why I can't do my own PIO shot either. I've been doing enough stretches that I can reach around pretty easily with the bath mirror to see what I'm doing now. Thank you pretzel stretches.

  2. Jeez maybe your nurse should sit down and read your chart so she knows what the heck is going on with you!

    1. Probably. If I had used SRM, she probably thought I was using them, I would most likely have had to use the trigger shot. I think I'm their only patient there using PNW.

  3. Wow...things are moving so quickly which is great. Are your embryos ready or will the eggs be fertilized closer to transfer? My clinic wanted to wait until 15DP5dt but I tested sooner :-)

    1. Embryos are ready. We have two 4AA blastocysts in deep freeze.

    2. Oh wow - how did I miss that?! That is wonderful, so no worrying about fertilization, etc. I am so excited for you!!!!

  4. Glad your lining is looking good! I don't understand all the numbers, but sounds like you are excited! yay

    1. That's okay when I first started reading most blogs I had no clue of what all those numbers and abbreviations were either. E2 is estridol P4 is progesterone

      The other numbers were just metric for my endometrial lining 12mm and 14 mm.

  5. It is unusual for us to do the PLO ourselves, but it can be done. I had to do it for 4 nights when my husband was in VA once, and I wouldn't want to repeat it.

    I recommend sitting down (I used the toilet because you have to have your pants down, and hey, it's made for sitting). Then you twist slightly at the waist and inject your upper buttock/hip area with the opposite hand. Use a smooth, downward jabbing motion. If you hesitate or are slow about it the injection site will hurt more and bruise quite a bit. If you warm the PLO vial in your bra for 5 minutes beforehand the shot goes more smoothly and you have less lumps. Don't ice, because the oil needs to flow out of the muscle, and whatever you do, don't inject into your thigh! If you are like me, you have a little more padding in your hip area, and your thighs are more muscular, and it hurts like a mother!

    1. I've been doing pretzel twist stretches knowing I'd have to give myself the injections at some point. I'm going to give myself the first one under J's guidance. He's given to me before. If I can handle the first one I'll be set. So noted that quick is best. First PIO is set for Sat morning and is only 1/2 cc. We bump that up to 1cc on Monday. Hate the patches but I'll still be on them straight thru the transfer and past that for a while. Ugh!

  6. You can do your own PIO shot. I did all my own shots and managed to do the PIO shot too in my behind. My hubby is chicken when it comes to needles, plus he wasn't around for most of them either. What kind of PIO do you have? I used ethyloelate (not sure of spelling) and it was thinner than the ones in actual oil. Got my fingers crossed for you that all goes well.

    1. My PIO is in sesame oil. We are talking the THICK stuff. My clinic ordered the thinner stuff but the pharmacy I use that my insurance covers won't cough that up. It is the thick stuff only. Sighs.

      But yeah, I'm not really afraid of the needle just not happy thinking about nicking a vein as I go in and having to change out another needle and try again. But I think I'll do just fine. That is what they make mirrors for, right?

  7. Fingers crossed that all goes well, yay that your lining looks good!

  8. You will be fine! I did all my own PIO shots. It helps to warm up the oil a little bit first, just to body temp. I used to put the full but capped syringe in my bra (TMI, I know) about 20 minutes before administering the shot. I used olive oil or sesame oil too because of a (very bad) reaction to ethylolate which is nice and thin. Warming it first makes it slightly thinner and it helps the body absorb it a little more readily. After the shot use a heating pad on super low and massage it in!!!

    As far as the beta tough as it is listen to your doctor on this one. 5 days is too soon to get a positive. My first beta was at 11 dpt and it was only 111 at that point. If we had gone at 5 days past it probably would have been super low (which would have had me stressed out and scared) or a negative (cue depression.) Pee on as many pregnancy tests as you can from day 5 though! My first BFP showed up on day 8.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

    1. Sorry I confused you, I did mean and must be I didn't clarify it enough, that I was going to do an hpt at 5 days past not a Beta. Beta isn't until the 20th. But if I get a strong positive hpt before the 20th I'm going to call my clinic and tell them I'd like to do an earlier Beta. They wanted to do it on a Sunday but my lab here is closed on weekends.

  9. Gah!!! Things are happening! This is so exciting. Your numbers look great, too -- very promising. And yes, you can totally give yourself the PIO shot, especially if you're not super squeamish about needles. There are a few tutorials on YouTube; you basically just need to twist yourself around, which is a bit awkward, and make sure you jab it in full force. Then it's a piece of cake!

    1. I'm going to have to remember to warm the bottle up because I'm going to be injecting myself at 0430 hrs each day. This way J can make sure I don't do damage to myself until I get the hang of it. First shot is tomorrow!

  10. Those numbers all sound great. The nurse, not so much!

  11. Good Luck! I did all of my own injections, including PIO. No big deal!


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