Monday, January 21, 2013

Starting With Endometrin and

Ending with Prometrium.  I'm using up the rest of my Endometrin this cycle since it expires this month and will move on to the Prometrium after the first is gone.  Not my choice but it is what my insurance covers right now.  I don't even want to think about the discomfort of having to insert the Prometrium.

Happy January ICLW!

To all those tuning into my blog this week I'll give an update as to where I stand, or rather sit since I am currently sitting to type this, in my trying to conceive.

IUI number 6 was done on Friday at the Tacoma, Washington branch of Seattle Reproductive Medicine.  My husband's sperm counts were at an all time high and I was able to produce three follicles of my own naturally.  The smallest is probably rather useless as the day of the ultrasound it was only 13mm though they can grow 2mm in a day so there is a chance.

This I declare will be my last cycle using my own DNA unless some kind of miracle happens at my age which is 43.

If another cycle dares to start in February I will have a SIS so that I can move on to donor eggs.  I have my temporary password for the donor egg clinic and have selected six candidates.  I was amazed to find that the five I had originally chosen last year were still available and I found another possible.  I'm not sure how they provide a match for me but I know that the sixth choice is a different blood type, same Rh factor, and matches my spouse.  The other five candidates match my blood type and Rh factor.  The sixth one only matches me in eye color and is the same hair color as my spouse.  Selfish reason to go with that particular hair color as when my child asks who they look like I can say "your father" and reference the photographs.  I will tell the child about using donor eggs but I think it might be of a comfort for the child to feel like they look more like one parent and preferably my husband not the donor.

But this is still all up in the air.  In the later half of this two week wait I'll be deciding on what to do.  Most likely I'll be giving the clinic a call to set up an appointment.  I have to get all of this done soon because being an Army wife I have to be prepared to move and move we will be doing later this spring.

If you made it to the bottom of this post and read all the way through congratulations!  I realize I got a little long winded and I didn't even get into the infertility factors that I have like the Endometriosis stage III.  There I mentioned it.


  1. I honestly hope you don't need to end up going with DE cycle and this one works. If you do, I hope you have the kind of luck that a friend of mine had. They purchased (5) DE and 4 were a perfect blast!

    1. I think we have the same friend Tonisha and I'm using the same clinic for the donor eggs as she is if she is the one I'm thinking of. But I will have to do the full 10 eggs and not the 5.

  2. Moving on to donor eggs is very exciting! It isn't something that anyone wants to have to do, but it opens up doors. I hope that you don't have to a cycle in February, though. Fingers crossed and all that :)

    1. I came to the conclusion last year that I probably won't have a genetic child but I can at least use my husband's DNA.

  3. Hi Rebecca. Good luck with IUI #6. Thanks for stopping back by my blog from ICLW. You might not have recognized it as I've had a face lift. I've been your follower since last year but haven't been by recently. Glad to get caught up with you! Hoping this IUI is a success!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog again. Fingers crossed for this IUI, but it seems like you're at peace and ready to move forward with DE. FWIW, I have friends who are a lesbian couple, and even though it would be much cheaper for one to do IUI with their selected sperm, they've decided to do IVF with one's eggs (the better quality ones) and have the other be the 'tummy mummy' they figure one has the biological connection and the other a genetic.

    1. How awesome is that! Both will bond with the baby quicker too.

  5. Hi From ICLW. Wishing you well on your journey. I too am thinking of moving on to DE, but I'm giving it one last attempt. I like that DE feels more hopeful to me. I'm ready for something to work already, and I'm sure you are too.

    1. My eggs are just getting too old to hold out hope that one will make a baby.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog (Life As I know It)!

    Rebecca, wishing you all the best for this cycle. I know of several women who ended up with their miracles on their last cycle...I see no reason why you shouldn't be added to that list!

    Donor eggs sounds like a great plan B. As someone else says, it does open up a lot of doors once you've decided to follow that path. Much luck for you!

    1. Thanks. I like the idea of donor eggs for several reason. Especially since I can possibly weed out the possibility of bad genetics.

  7. Good luck with this cycle and exciting that you have a go forward plan of DE :-) Three follies and good sperm, hope this is it!

    1. Thanks. I'm really looking forward to doing donor eggs but the cost is just crazy.

  8. Good Luck with this cycle. As for choosing donors, offspring don't always turn out as you choose. Twin#1 has browny green eyes & blond hair. Our donor (sperm) had blue eyes & brown hair like me. Twin#2 has blonde hair & blue eyes. #ICLW35

    1. Got that covered I think since besides J being blonde with blue eyes there is also Portuguese in his family with his maternal grandfather being brown haired and brown eyed.

  9. Good luck, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. Rebecca- I wish you the best of luck! I hear Seattle is a great clinic! I looked into it, but its a pretty long commute from Bend :-)

    1. If for some reason we aren't able to do donor eggs while here, like I turn out to be pregnant, we'll donor eggs for the next kid in Georgia...Think there might be a decent clinic in Atlanta.

  11. Best of luck this month and in the coming year! It definitely sounds like you have a great plan!

  12. Best of luck Rebecca! Here from ICLW and thinking good thoughts for you! Lori

  13. Returning your visit. I really hope this IUI works out for you, but I think it's great that you have a plan B.

    1. Plan C and Plan D too but for now the top two will get their chances.

  14. Sounds like you have a good Plan B in place. I liked your thoughts about trying to find a donor that looks like one parent so you can tell your child they look like that parent. :)

    1. I think it would just make it a bit easier but at this point I don't think there really is an easy way at all.


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