Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Impatiently Waiting

I'm not very patient when it comes to all things Army.  Right now the donor egg situation hinges on J's leave.  He just got off of CQ duty.  He is supposed to be able to take leave on the 1st but they haven't told him if it is approved.  I detest this stupid game.

J has 30 days of use or lose this year and as of this LES he has already lost one day.  I can read the LES pretty darn well by now.  I'm miffed.  Every time he puts in for leave someone else is deciding that he can't have it because he is so needed.  Yeah, remember back when they didn't want to let him re-enlist because he wasn't needed?  BS

I'd like to schedule my SIS and the clinic appointment in Seattle with PNW while he is on his leave.  But I can't do that unless I know if he has his leave approved.  Friday is a DONSA.  He has today off for recovery after working for 26 hours straight.  We had better know by Thursday or I am going to be very cranky.

In testing news.  I've been testing with Wondfo's since 8 days past the IUI of which the tech said I was definitely ovulating when she did the IUI.  HPT every day has had a ghost second line.  Just for fun I was using up my Wondfo OPKs since LH and HCG are similar hormones.  The second line on those tests is almost as dark as the control line and staying dark since 8 days past.

Today after our marriage counseling session I'm going to mail out the order from my Etsy shop and buy a box of FRERs.  I'm done with the ghost lines.  I'm sick of guessing.  All the nice pregnancy symptoms I had at 8 and 9 dpo are gone.  My breasts are back to normal.  Not painful. Nausea is gone.  Extreme fatigue gone.  I think it is over for me for this cycle.

We might do one more cycle since we'll be waiting around to start up with the donor eggs.  My doctor said he won't do the SIS until days 5-8 of my cycle.  I could have sworn they did it on day 1 when I was going for the IVF.  Whatever.  Protocols change.  I do know that with budget cuts my clinic no longer does Betas unless you get a positive HPT.  Last year they would do a beta.  Heck now they don't even want give you a script because Tricare has had major cuts to their insurance coverage.  I'll be lucky if I even get generic.

So here I sit waiting.  I need to find some distraction.  Good thing I have a basket of laundry right next to me that needs folding.  Just can't put it away since J is napping in the bedroom.  Sighs, waiting on that too.


  1. Sending lots of prayers and well wishes your way. I hate that anyone has to go through this.

    1. Well I called the Donor Egg Clinic while J was sleeping. Hoping they'll call back today.

  2. Thinking of you with fingers crossed.

    1. Just called my own RE clinic and spoke to Nurse J, you know the bad one, about this cycle and the ghost line. She said nothing. I asked to leave a message for my doctor who will be back in on Thursday and that I wanted to speak with him personally. Since I won't be able to start prepping for the donor eggs next cycle I figured I could give this one more shot and I'd ask for femara, Nurse J put a halt to that. So I again requested that she pass on the message. Will call on Thursday at lunch to find out if she passed on the message.

  3. Fingers crossed in hopes that things work out for you soon. I can't imagine how tough this is for you.

    1. Because I'm over 40 I've been written off by most doctors with my wanting a child. I'm not in menopause yet and I still produce eggs on my own. "Sheesh people don't toe tag me and throw the sheet over me yet!" is what I'd like to say to the vast majority of them.

  4. Ugh, this whole IF community deals with the waiting game like no one else... it's insane how much patience we're expected to have, especially when nobody listens to us.

  5. Hoping things get cleared soon. Still holding onto hope for you this cycle anyway. I hope you're finding some good distractions!


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