Friday, September 9, 2011


I'm happy to say that Monday is a DONSA for my husband.  DONSA means a day of no scheduled activity.

This weekend I'll be thinking a lot about the friend I lost in 9/11.  I'll be thinking that I'm grateful that my family escaped the fate that many did not.  I'll be praying that no terrorist decides to take revenge on us for offing two of their leaders in such a short period of time.  Remember Osama bin Laden was taken out and a few weeks ago we took out the next on the food chain  too.

Personally I think that religion is a choice and one that shouldn't lead to violence.  I could go on for paragraphs here about my feeling on that particular subject but I won't.  I will say that I feel bad for the families of our citizens that have yet to gain closure.

On an intimate fertility note the endo pain started increasing again over the past few days, and cramping got worse last night and today its not any better.  I have to say that Endometriosis just sucks!  I was warned that even though I'm on hormones for suppression this could happen and to expect it.  Not much can be done about it.  The IVF cycle is full of different hormones and this is not going to be a joy ride on my reproductive organs.

So with the Endo pain I'm not sure just how much I'll be enjoying this weekend with my spouse.  We had made plans to escape town and head out a few hours north but I think that most likely we'll just be staying put unless the pain subsides enough.

I finally got around to making the cookies for the soldiers at the COF yesterday.  Tuesday and Wednesday were filled up so that I didn't even get the me time I had hoped for.  Finally yesterday I had a little break in my chores to get cookies made so I made the Oatmeal Scotchies.  Hopefully they like them.

1 comment:

  1. "Fertility" issues are major Charlie foxtrots. They will harvest your eggs & do as they wish with them. They may implant you with someone else's fertilized embryos if you are deemed as ED (easy delivery). I was an ED. Because of my bone structure, I can pop a baby out in a couple hours no problem. Each successive delivery went faster. They will mess with you and tell you every lie under the sun to deceive you into thinking you're helping your country. Maybe we are/were. I'm retired now. Or at least I'm trying to be. But I'm pretty sure they killed the father of my children. He's dead, at any rate, and he sure as he'll wouldn't have killed himself like they claimed he did. All I'm saying is WATCH YOUR SIX and don't trust ANYONE, not even your husband. Chances are, they're lying to him, manipulating him, or blackmailing him as well. I pray you don't go through what I did. Or what my children's father did. They used him basically as a stud and me essentially as a brood mare. All in the name of serving God & country.


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