Monday, June 13, 2011

New Clothes Plus New Cut Equals Happy Me

Yup this is me.
No makeup.
Just a smile.

My dark circles testify to the fact that I haven't been sleeping well in weeks.  Not much can be done about that.  Still I don't think I look all that bad for a gal that is almost 42 years old.

Yesterday I spent over 5 hours at the beauty salon getting my hair colored, cut,  and straightened.  I'm not about to divulge the price but lets just say that it was costly and I'm not going to be doing it too often, even if I do love the result.

I think the main reason I went to the salon this time is because my tendonitis is too painful for me to hold a coloring brush for long enough to do my own hair.  I admit that I need help getting my hair styled and colored now.  For years I've been doing it myself and when I feel up to it I might just do it again.

My husband likes the new cut and color.  He says it makes me look younger.  I'm not so sure about that however it does make me feel happier.

Over the weekend I went out and purchased several clothing items.  I refused to pay full price of course.  So I hit the clearance rack and to my joy they were offering an additional 50% off of the already marked down price.  I managed to snag a pair of Pendelton wool dress slack for only $15.75.  They were originally marked at the Exchange price of $126.00.  The only thing wrong with them was that they were missing half of the hook part.  Easy fix for me since I sew.

I also purchased a new pair of sneakers.  Its been three years since I had a new pair.  Its about time I broke down and bought a pair of sneakers.  I purchased several blouses, some for dress wear and others for pairing with jeans.  I saved about $300 according to what I added up on the tags.  Just another reason to smile since I only paid about $80 for all the garments.

I'm up early this morning doing a few loads of laundry before I head over to the RE's office for my transvaginal ultrasound.  Need I say that I'm not looking forward to this appointment.  I think it might be the only reason I won't be smiling today.


  1. Love the hair. I would never guess you at 42. I thought you were one of my younger cousins. Glad to see you doing things for you!

    Big hugs!

  2. Beauty School! There are several in the area. We have friends who take their teen girls to one ~Federal Way-ish... I'll find out where if you want. There's probably one closer to you if convenience is more important than personal recommendation.

  3. you look great. I love the color and cut.
    Love ya


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