Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So I had a migraine today. 

Stayed in bed until  1325 hrs.

Still had a dull headache rest of the day including now.

Meh, I'll be better in a day I hope.

Wanted to dye hair today but I'll just do it tomorrow.  There isn't anything that important going on right now that can't wait until tomorrow.


  1. Hope the migraine goes away and that you feel better tomorrow.

    1. Me too. I can't remember if I've ever had one last more than 3 days.

  2. I'm sorry! :( I've suffered from migraines since I started getting my period as a teenager. (As if cramps weren't enough pain.) I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. This is the first I can remember having the opportunity to actually lie in bed to recover. I always have so much to do and never enough time.

  3. Ugh, I've always loathed migraines. I hope yours goes away soon!

  4. Ugh I hate migraines so much. I have suffered with them since I was teenager. Now that we are stopping fertility treatment I might go back on my medications.

    Feel better soon!

    1. I used to take Topomax daily for the prevention of my migraines when I was on the pill years ago. The pill of course makes my migraines more frequent which is one thing I'm not looking forward to during the FET. But I am looking forward to the side effect from the pill of less painful periods.

  5. UG. So now you have had pain on both ends of your body! I hope you can get some time where you have NO pain. It seems like you can't win lately :(

    1. Today I'm feeling better. Less pain at both ends.


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