Saturday, February 2, 2013

No Matter How Faint...

a line is a line.

Most likely this is a chemical pregnancy.

Terrible photo with glare I know.  Hard to see faint second line in this photo unless you squint but the line is there and J saw it too with ease.

Started back on progesterone and if this sticks I hope the spotting which started on 12 dpo stops.  Not enough for a pad but I'm wearing one just in case.

I'll test again tomorrow and find out if the RE nurse got my message today on Monday.  If she did I'll go in for the beta and see about scheduling the tests I need if it is a chemical.

Nothing else to say because there just isn't anything to say at this point.


  1. I do see the line. I hope that it gets darker and darker. I have everything crossed for you!

    1. Thanks. Trying really hard to stay hopeful.

  2. Hoping the line gets darker, I have everything crossed for you. Gosh, why can't anything ever be easy!

    1. I hope it does too but I'm being a realist here. Wishing things were easy for all of us.

  3. I see it too! Fingers crossed!!

  4. Praying hard that it is not just a chemical!!! :)

  5. Yep, I totally see it! Hoping like crazy for you!

  6. Gosh...I hope te progesterone helps and the line gets darker!!

  7. oh my gosh. oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH!!!! hoping it gets darker.

  8. I definitely see the line, praying that it gets darker!

  9. I am ready for another pee stick update. I do hope that the line grows darker for you, Rebecca!


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